Video Services

m/Oppenheim.TV is a media portal that presents nonprofit news and video content developed by, the Associated Press, news outlets from around the world, and independent writers, journalists, producers and videographers. We report on nonprofit organizations, issues and leaders across 7 nonprofit sectors: Arts, Media & CultureChildren & FamiliesEducationEnvironmentFoundationsHealth; and Justice & Poverty.

Projects can be pursued independently by, or as a joint venture with other organizations.  All funding is dedicated to developing and distributing content that is freely available for viewing.  Examples of our work can be found on mOppenheim.TV and through the INSIGHT and PREVIEW  links. Funding Models

Jointly Funded Projects

We partner with nonprofit media outlets and other nonprofit organizations (including public television stations) to target nonprofits in a region, and conduct, film, edit and distribute the resulting video programs. We select prominent nonprofit leaders in coordination with our partner, manage the project and scheduling, conduct the interviews in public television stations or in locations agreed with our partners, edit the interviews in our facilities, and together we shape the intro and credits. funds the project management, scheduling, and segment edits, and our partner contributes the site and the filming (which we arrange). All material is jointly owned and is released in a coordinated way through your TV channel and our website. All material must be distributed free to the general public. If you are a Public Television station and would like to collaborate with us please submit a request. Funded Projects

m/ funds the shoot and editing in its entirety. We select locations around the country and invite nonprofit organizations in the area to participate. We set up our portable studio in hotel conference rooms (as seen on the video) and film approximately 20 episodes during a 3 day period. The episodes then are edited by our team and released on mOppenheim.TV and distributed to our network of nonprofit professionals through email newsletters and social media channels. We also encourage participating organizations to use the video materials as a way of raising awareness of their work, a tool for fundraising, or a way to increase interaction with their constituents. The videos can be used for your website, social media channels etc. If your organization is interested in participating please submit a request, and we will let you know the locations for the shoot. Participation is completely free, as is distribution of content. mOppenheim.TV coordinates content distribution and social media activity with you to draw attention to interviews.

Our Work

Call to Action

Some really neat call to action text needs to be placed here so that people click the link to submit requests!