Sources: The Atlantic
On the most recent OECD PISA assessment, students in the United States performed significantly lower in math compared to previous years and compared to their international peers.
PISA is one of the few assessments that exists to compare student performance on core subjects – math, science, reading – around the world.
Students in the United States have maintained relatively stagnant scores in science and reading, but are performing lower in math, the assessment indicated; the US ranked as one of the lowest, out of 35 developed nations.
A number of reasons have been criticized as the primary factors leading to poor performance of American students; such include chronic absenteeism, lack of school funding, inadequate teacher training, and the inequality gap between the rich and the poor.
Experts say its impossible to mirror the efforts of the highest performing country on any given year because success is not formulaic; successful programs may work in one country and not be the best method for another.
Read full story at: The Atlantic