Pennsylvania Student Sues School for Allowing Transgender Student into Locker Rooms

Bathroom Sign” by Shelly Prevost licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Huffington Post

A Pennsylvania student sued his school for letting a trans student use the boy’s locker room.

Using the same locker room as a trans student has caused “Joel Doe” (as they’re calling him), “embarrassment and humiliation,” his legal team claimed.

The file was claimed by the group Alliance Defending Freedom, the American conservative Christian nonprofit in Arizona.

The student is asking for compensation for damages, and asking the school to not allow trans students to use the locker room that corresponds with their gender identity.

The group claimed that “un-consented exposure to persons of the opposite sex in various states of undress creates a sexually harassing, hostile environment.”

“Trans people aren’t looking for special or “extra” rights. Trans people are not haunting bathrooms. They aren’t looking to inflict harm or psychosis or anything else. And they have it hard enough as it is without being accused of sexually harassing cis people simply by existing,” wrote Huffington Post.

Read full story at: Huffington Post

Children & Families, Justice & Poverty, News
Children & Families, Justice & Poverty, News